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Pitch Clinic

Deliver a winning pitch every time. Learn to pitch with confidence, clarity and poise. Most importantly, get the results you want.

Trusted by our corporate clients

This course includes

12 Bite-sized Videos With Actionable Learning Takeaways

Content Delivered By Our Expert Instructors

Professionally Filmed And Scripted Videos

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Pitch Clinic

Deliver a winning pitch every time. Learn to pitch with confidence, clarity and poise. Most importantly, get the results you want.

Course Outcome

  • What to do before, during and after
  • How to create the perfect pitch
  • What your audience really wants
  • Making sure they get your message

Pitch Clinic

Deliver a winning pitch every time. Learn to pitch with confidence, clarity and poise. Most importantly, get the results you want.

Course Outline


  • Preparation
  • Preparation is the key to a perfect pitch. Here's a checklist that explains the things you should be thinking about...

Visual Aids

  • Visual Aids
  • Early in any pitch preparation a decision must be taken over whether slides or a pitch book will be used. There are a number of benefits to using something the audience can see, and some caveats...


  • Practice
  • Doing something a second time is always easier and a third time easier still. Despite knowing this, people rarely practice enough, which is a mistake...

On the Day

  • On the Day
  • Here's a checklist of things to do on the day of the pitch...

Asking Questions and Listening

  • Asking Questions and Listening
  • The worst pitches are when one person speaks and the audience merely listen. The best are when a conversation takes place with all those in the room...

Physical Choices

  • Physical Choices
  • The way we look can project many different messages to our audience. Here are some tips to ensure your physicality is right...

Vocal Choices

  • Vocal Choices
  • When making a pitch, the vocal objective is to be both clear and interesting...


  • Closing
  • It’s easy and logical to close a pitch when the end has been reached, but look for signals from the audience. If the audience is no longer listening, then continuing may do more harm than good...


  • Notes
  • Notes should be taken during the pitch, but probably not by you. So have someone else there whose job it is to take notes...

The Post Mortem

  • The Post Mortem
  • Post-pitch analysis is an important part of the pitching process and both positive and negatives aspects should be reviewed, to better inform future pitches.


  • Actions
  • This video contains some day-to-day, effective ways you can develop your Pitching skills.

Featured Instructors

Meet our expert instructors who are featured in these videos to take you on your personal learning journey. They have written and designed this course using their extensive experience to provide you with actionable learning takeaways.

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